Our Story

Educaid India was founded in 2009 by the late Joan Bond and others. All had considerable experience of travelling and working in India. After many years of service in charity work the group decided to set up their own charity, focusing principally on education and community development. Since then it has fully funded the construction of 3 schools, educating over 600 children, the construction of a medical centre and number of minor capital projects such as the drilling of tube wells. Since inception all the original trustees have retired and Joan died in 2023. The remaining trustee is Joan's brother, John Corden. He has committed to continue funding the ongoing education of around 300 children for 3 years and the construction of a new children's home, to be dedicated to the memory of Joan Bond. It will open in October 2024. 


EducAid India operates in Purilia, West Bengal, approximately 250 miles Northwest of Kolkata. It borders on to  Bihar  and is one of the poorest places on Earth, far from and left behind by the rapidly growing industry, commerce and tourist hot-spots that are driving the booming Indian economy. Subsistence rice farming predominates. It is, quite simply, one of the very poorest places in The World, with monthly incomes as low as £10 for an agricultural worker.  Fortunately, western money goes a very long way here. It costs roughly £20k to build and equip a school accommodating 300 children in 2 shifts and £300 per month to pay all the running costs. A qualified teacher earns around £60 per month. 


Construction of the new children's home is costing £15k, £7k of which has already been provided. So, together with the ongoing commitment to fund the education of 300 children, and taking account of our reserves, John urgently needs to raise £5k.   


In an attempt to raise this amount through sponsorship, John Corden will attempt to cycle The Way of the Roses, which is a demanding 172 miles cycle route across northern England, in one day, in July 2024.